Forums - ST:if akuma is not banned from a tournament..... Show all 25 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- ST:if akuma is not banned from a tournament..... ( Posted by ssf2 on 09:13:2001 11:08 AM: ST:if akuma is not banned from a tournament..... do u think akuma will win the match?(if both players is the same smart in ST,but one use akuma,one is not)coz u guys keep saying he is over-powered.... help. Posted by Cletus Kasady on 09:13:2001 12:45 PM: Yes, Akuma will almost certainly win the match. That's like asking if a Navy Seal with a knife will get killed by a Navy Seal with a gun. Posted by shin srwilson on 09:13:2001 12:49 PM: Gouki is not cheap in SSF2X and yes he would win the match very fairly i might add!!! Posted by ssf2 on 09:13:2001 01:09 PM: akuma is very cheap. Posted by JopoK on 09:13:2001 02:11 PM: Everyone knows that in ssf akuma is cheap as shit.... Posted by neojedi on 09:13:2001 02:16 PM: He is powerful, yes. But I think the question here is, at high level gameplay is there any character in the game that can match up to Akuma and beat him (O-versions included)? Posted by roboticus on 09:13:2001 02:47 PM: quote: Originally posted by neojedi He is powerful, yes. But I think the question here is, at high level gameplay is there any character in the game that can match up to Akuma and beat him (O-versions included)? No. The only way Akuma loses if the player gets lazy (doing two moves a majority of the game gets pretty boring rather quickly); or is under-skilled. Dale Posted by nin on 09:15:2001 08:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by roboticus No. The only way Akuma loses if the player gets lazy (doing two moves a majority of the game gets pretty boring rather quickly); or is under-skilled. Dale so why still bother with sagat when akuma own em all for free? Posted by ComboFighter on 09:15:2001 12:39 PM: Sorry, but I'm just curious why an entire character would be banned from a game. Glitches, I can easily understand like Gambit's in MvsC2, but not an entire character. If he's so great then everyone would pick him and the tournament would still be fair. It makes no sense to me. Posted by nin on 09:16:2001 07:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by ComboFighter Sorry, but I'm just curious why an entire character would be banned from a game. Glitches, I can easily understand like Gambit's in MvsC2, but not an entire character. If he's so great then everyone would pick him and the tournament would still be fair. It makes no sense to me. i STRONGLY opposite banning akuma from ST......well,if u guys think he is too strong and unfair,then play sf2hf instead.....cos akuma is part of the game ssf2t....ban him make no sense! Posted by Iceman on 09:16:2001 08:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by ComboFighter Sorry, but I'm just curious why an entire character would be banned from a game. Glitches, I can easily understand like Gambit's in MvsC2, but not an entire character. If he's so great then everyone would pick him and the tournament would still be fair. It makes no sense to me. Yes, glitches should be banned if they dramatically kill gameplay. Imagine an entire character being such a glitch. As for tournaments with Akuma, you answered yourself. Everyone who knew anything about the game would pick him, and every ST tourney would be NOTHING except Akuma vs. Akuma. How much fun is that? Not much. I like ST as is w/Akuma banned. Posted by nin on 09:16:2001 09:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by Iceman Yes, glitches should be banned if they dramatically kill gameplay. Imagine an entire character being such a glitch. As for tournaments with Akuma, you answered yourself. Everyone who knew anything about the game would pick him, and every ST tourney would be NOTHING except Akuma vs. Akuma. How much fun is that? Not much. I like ST as is w/Akuma banned. u can't ban him coz he is part of the game!!!!!!! Posted by Mr. E on 09:16:2001 09:59 AM: he's banned cuz capcom didn't take him into consideration when they balanced characters in the game. I'm sorry, but 2 fireballs on the screen at once? Posted by nin on 09:17:2001 09:57 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mr. E he's banned cuz capcom didn't take him into consideration when they balanced characters in the game. I'm sorry, but 2 fireballs on the screen at once? 2 FB???u can't do this.......only cpu does..... Posted by The Chef on 09:17:2001 10:17 PM: I agree with most of you, Akuma should not be banned... He is part of the game... If one character dominates all others, then so be it.. I've heard of a few tournaments banning O. Sagat as well as Akuma (he can be just as frustrating to fight against with some characters) Also some people banned Nakoruru in CVS... e.g. France. CVS is completely dominated by Nakoruru, almost every team that's ever played complains her.. USA was close to banning her from tournies... but no cigar... I guess I'm just trying to say that we have no right to say which part of a game should be banned based on our own whims... Infinites are no longer banned from Marvel games.... I don't think Akuma dominates every single character, I think Vega, Balrog and Shotos (esp old shotos) have a very good chance against him... And as we know, the fact that only some characters have no chance against him is not enough to ban a character.. The only thing which can be considered truly "broken" about Akuma is the instant recovery from dizzies.. Other than that, everything else he has is just "too good", rather than broken.. e.g. multi hit DPs and Hurricane kicks, leading to awesome juggles, a very fast, shallow air fireball. As for the 2 FBs on the screen at once, I think the guy is referring to one air FB and one ground FB, right? Rehan (Dead Man Inc.) Posted by Naslectronical on 09:17:2001 10:39 PM: Yes, Akuma is a part of the game, but a bad part of the game. He breaks the game. He dominates it to the point where it becomes unplayable. He devolves the game into nothing but Akuma vs. Akuma. And what a boring tournament it would be if only one characters was ever used. No one would ever want to play in that bullshit. That's why he's banned from tourneys, and rightfully so. Posted by soup or man on 09:17:2001 11:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by The Chef Also some people banned Nakoruru in CVS... e.g. France. CVS is completely dominated by Nakoruru, almost every team that's ever played complains her.. If Nakoruru were truly THIS dominating she would be banned. Obviously she's a great character, but other characters CAN stand up to her...Chikyuu won B5 with Raiden of all characters. CvS Nak and ST Akuma are too different to compare in terms of domination. Posted by nin on 09:18:2001 10:15 AM: so,capcom is fool to made akuma as a playable char........he just own em all for free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by The Chef on 09:20:2001 01:59 AM: soup or man: well, I'm no Nakoruru expert, so I can't comment that much.. I was just deperately trying to find something to compare Akuma to (i.e. something that people whine about as much as Akuma) Naslectronical: well, I agree Akuma is the best character, but we both agree he is part of the game. I guess we disagree on the fact that you say he is TOO good, and must be handicapped in order for other characters to stand a chance. Let me ask you something. If there was only one Vism character in A3, and the rest were only A or X, would you ban the one Vism character, cause he is far more powerful than the others? I guess I'm trying to get you and the other guys to see the other characters as sucky compared to Akuma, rather than Akuma being godly to all the others. e.g. If an SF Alpha game had one Akuma and 15 Dans/Mikas/Birdies, I know a lot of people would want to ban that one Akuma.. but I wouldn't.. Well, call me foolish, but I think a few characters can stand up to Akuma, even beat him... Vega especially He is fast, can slide (although Sim slide owns Vega's), has a long reaching claw etc. A lot of people think Dhalsim is very good against Akuma, too. But I wouldn't know, I find it hard to have the patience to play Dhalsim. But before you dismiss my comment, I'd just like to say... Tiers are alays evolving.. even in a game as old as this. I've seen a lot of USA peeps (though I don't wanna imply that USA peeps are the only ones who do this, they are just the most outspoken) say everything in this game has been found and mastered already... and some peeps are only now realising and admitting there is some new stuff still left to be found... For most games, the only reasonable excuse for tiers remaining static is that the game has been replaced, so no one plays the game anymore.. e.g. CE, A1, A2 etc... But ST has not been replaced, and ST is still being played, and new stuff is being found.. And remember Akuma is hardly ever played in tournies... so is there anyone who is ACTUALLY good with Akuma, rather than everyone having dismissed him at the first sign of cheapness? (the only way to decide who is good with Akuma is to have Akuma vs Akuma matches) I'm not trying to diss anyone, just trying to say to keep an open mind. Rehan (Dead Man Inc.) Posted by psx2000 on 09:20:2001 02:15 AM: THIS IS BEEN MOVED IT HAS TO DO MORE WIH GAMING THEN STRATS. Posted by soujiroten on 09:20:2001 02:16 AM: There's nothing you can do to stop akuma in ST. His jump back air fireball is too damn good. Vega has no shot at getting in on him, because he's either pinned by blocking the fireballs, or he's hit when he tries to move forward. If he tries the wall dive in the off chance that akuma messes up his timing, akuma can just land from his fireball and DP. Vega falls down and Akuma starts flapping his wings and dropping his turds, and vega is back to square 1. O. Sagat can't stand up to him, N. Ryu can't stand up to him, nobody can stand up to him. That angle on the air fireball is way too good. So if you want to unban Akuma in ST tournaments, that's your prerogative. Just expect to see a lot of jumping and air fireballing, and really long and boring matches. --SJ Posted by nin on 09:20:2001 02:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by soujiroten There's nothing you can do to stop akuma in ST. His jump back air fireball is too damn good. Vega has no shot at getting in on him, because he's either pinned by blocking the fireballs, or he's hit when he tries to move forward. If he tries the wall dive in the off chance that akuma messes up his timing, akuma can just land from his fireball and DP. Vega falls down and Akuma starts flapping his wings and dropping his turds, and vega is back to square 1. O. Sagat can't stand up to him, N. Ryu can't stand up to him, nobody can stand up to him. That angle on the air fireball is way too good. So if you want to unban Akuma in ST tournaments, that's your prerogative. Just expect to see a lot of jumping and air fireballing, and really long and boring matches. --SJ so,akuma own ST! Posted by The Chef on 09:20:2001 03:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by soujiroten There's nothing you can do to stop akuma in ST. His jump back air fireball is too damn good. Vega has no shot at getting in on him, because he's either pinned by blocking the fireballs, or he's hit when he tries to move forward. If he tries the wall dive in the off chance that akuma messes up his timing, akuma can just land from his fireball and DP. Vega falls down and Akuma starts flapping his wings and dropping his turds, and vega is back to square 1. O. Sagat can't stand up to him, N. Ryu can't stand up to him, nobody can stand up to him. That angle on the air fireball is way too good. So if you want to unban Akuma in ST tournaments, that's your prerogative. Just expect to see a lot of jumping and air fireballing, and really long and boring matches. --SJ Well, thanks for your input/advice, it's appreciated. I'm not saying you're wrong... but for now I'll keep trying my Vega, and see what happens, and if I can make any progress Akuma may be banned from tournaments (even in UK sometimes) ... but I still have to deal with him in regular challenges down my local arcade Rehan (Dead Man Inc.) Posted by mondu_the_fat on 09:20:2001 03:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Chef Let me ask you something. If there was only one Vism character in A3, and the rest were only A or X, would you ban the one Vism character, cause he is far more powerful than the others? No. Simply because not even V-characters are so overpowered over Z/X the same way Akuma is to the rest of the ST cast. And, yes, compared to Akuma, everyone else in ST is X-ism Dan (not R. Mika -- she can be played well) fighting against Z3 Shin Akuma. I play Dhalsim extensively. Good luck in using him against Akuma in ST. Vega ? He's even worse. Yes, tiers evolve. But not Akuma. He'll sit there on top for all eternity. Yes, he is broken. He can be defeated, but that will be because the Akuma player is sloppy. You yourself admitted, ST is still being played. And up to today, there is still no counter to Akuma. That should tell you something. As for anybody playing well with Akuma despite not being allowed in tourneys... That's a circular question. Or something like "have you ever been kicked in the balls ?" "No." "Then how would you know you wouldn't like it?" Also, you seem to forget that Akuma can be played like the shotos, except that he's much, much better. If you want to see a good Akuma player just watch a good shoto player, then add in all of Akuma's perks. Then tack on the air fireball. Sorry, Nas, I hope you don't mind me answering. While banning a character isn't really a good idea, I have to agree with Nas in saying that he a _bad_ part of the game. You people who don't want to ban him go ahead. No one will stop you (or anyone else) from playing Akuma. It is, after all, a game, and if you derive the most fun from using him, fine. Just don't expect major tourneys to allow him. That's the tourney's prerogative, as much as playing Akuma is with yours. "Sense" has nothing to do with it. Posted by nin on 09:21:2001 02:48 AM: my best akuma's killer is rog!:> All times are GMT. The time now is 11:52 PM. Show all 25 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.